Use the Latest 700-755 dumps to help you pass the Cisco SBTO certification exam (3)

This is the third part of Cisco 700-755 dumps the latest updates for 2024 to help you successfully pass the Cisco SBTO certification exam.

The last update was the 2022 Cisco 700-755 dumps update. Cisco Small Business Technical Overview (700-755) certification exam updates are very slow, so our updates will be relatively few. You can even use old exam materials to assist you. Exam practice. The latest Cisco 700-755 dumps exam materials have been updated in 2024. You can participate in online exercises or download the April 2024 update containing 60 latest exam practice questions: (PDF+VCE)

Practice Cisco 700-755 dumps exam questions online (3)

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New Question 1:

How does the Cisco Catalyst 1000 series switch function?

A. with Cisco IOS software and it supports advanced device and network management via CLI

B. offers flexibility for a wide range of network environments, supporting IGb or IOGb uplinks

C. as a fixed managed FastEthernet enterprise-class layer-2 switch for small businesses and branch offices

D. as a fixed managed Gigabit Ethernet enterprise-class layer-3 capable switch for small businesses and branch Offices

Correct Answer: B

New Question 2:

How is an organization defined within the context of the Meraki Dashboard?

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